Yearly Archives: 2019

RISE ABOVE (Triumph Over Adversity)

We are so excited and proud of our community partners at the National Park Service for bringing this Exhibit to West Branch. Come Ye, Come All, to West Branch, Iowa to experience this amazing exhibit. Join us and beckon a time when our differences served as motivation to make us all greater. Learn or reacquaint yourself with these heroes who achieved what many said could not be done.

Downtown East Redevelopment Project

Downtown East Redevelopment Project – The City of West Branch is very interested in hearing from qualified developers (individuals or firms) interested in presenting a viable design and development concept for a mixed-use development on 3.450 acres of real estate located in Downtown West Branch, Iowa, owned by the City of West Branch.  The site has recently been used as concrete ready-mix plant.  Using existing grain elevators… the city is looking for a creative approach to development that accommodates entertainment venues such as a city market, hotel, housing, brewery and/or other significant mixed-used developments on the site (all ideas will get considerable review and investigation).  The following documents are intended to provided interested developers and investors with background information that could assist their research and value propitiation processes.

  • Reuse Report (large file)
  • Scheme 1 Video
  • Scheme 1 Fly-through Video
  • Scheme 2 Video
  • Scheme 2 Fly-through Video

College Street Bridge Project

The City of West Branch has awarded the construction of College Street, Second Street and the College Street Bridge to Taylor Construction, Inc. of New Vienna, Iowa.  Work on the project is anticipated to begin on Monday, March 25, 2019.  The sequence of work will start with removal of the bridge and relocation of utilities near the bridge.  The Contractor proposes to work on relocating water main and installing storm sewer on College Street and Second Street west of the bridge while bridge construction is underway.  College Street east of the bridge will not be impacted until the new bridge is completed.

There will be temporary disruption to driveways when storm sewer or water main installation is underway.  The area will be back filled with gravel to provide temporary surfacing until the Contractor is ready to reconstruct the road.  The contractor will set up a location for temporary mailboxes.  Once location has been approved by the Post Master, information will be posted on the City website. Garbage and recycling will continue as usual unless the collection agency requests alternate pickup locations.  If this occurs, the Contractor will provide notice and will work with the collection agency to continue the service.

The City of West Branch recognizes that this road reconstruction project will be an inconvenience to the residents involved.  Although we thank you in advance for your cooperation and patience during the construction process, we are well aware that issues will arise as construction progresses.  If you have any questions or concerns during construction, please contact either:

Dave Schechinger, P.E. Eric Gould
319-466-1000 319-466-1000

More information will be provided as the project progresses.

Project Updates / Project Notes: