Stormwater BMP Program
Why do we have a BMP Reimbursement Program?
The City of West Branch, in connection with the adoption of a stormwater utility, has implemented a Stormwater best management practices (BMP) Program. The program is an effort to promote water quality and to reduce runoff within the City of West Branch.
Residents are encouraged to use stormwater BMP’s to reduce runoff from their property during rain events and to ensure they are not adding pollutants to the city’s storm sewer system and waterways. In order to support these efforts, the City of West Branch offers this grant program to assist residents with the costs of these projects.
Application Form:
For more information, please CLICK HERE to see the Stormwater BMP Program application form. In order to be eligible for funding, projects must be approved prior to construction. Please contact the City Office at (319) 643-5888 for more information.
Additional Information:
Projects are to be constructed in accordance with the Iowa Stormwater Management Manual. Please CLICK HERE to view Part 2D of the Iowa Stormwater Management Manual: BMP TYPES AND APPLICATIONS. The entire Iowa Stormwater Management Manual is also available free online.
Another great resource for information on stormwater BMP’s is Rainscaping Iowa. Rainscaping Iowa is a statewide educational campaign that promotes urban storm water management practices to protect water quality and reduce runoff with the help of its partners. The ultimate goal of the program is to build awareness and behavioral change that will result in the improvement and protection of water resources in Iowa.
The City of West Branch is also a member of the Iowa Storm Water Education Program (ISWEP). ISWEP also has a lot of great information available on stormwater challenges, water quality, flood control and other stormwater resources. Please see the ISWEP website for more information.