Historic Preservation Plan Update Meeting – Feb. 23rd, 7:00-9:00 p.m.

There will be a meeting in the West Branch City Office from 7-9 PM Thursday, February 23, to discuss historic preservation and seek input for plan updating. Members of the Preservation Commission will take part, as will representatives of the West Branch Heritage Foundation, and it is hoped others interested in local history will come to share their thoughts as well. There’s no need to RSVP—just come and enjoy a lively discussion!

West Branch is updating its 2009 Historic Preservation Plan, and is asking for public input to suggest changes or additions to that earlier plan. (That earlier plan can be found in the Historic Preservation Commission’s meeting packet for 2/9/17 at http://www.westbranchiowa.org/sites/default/files/Packet_17_02_09_num.pdf.)

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